Sunday, August 16, 2009

My first refashioning adventure!

So a few days ago I ran across a tutorial on how to make a dress out of a pillowcase. I just had to try it, even though I haven't touched a sewing machine in like 10 years. 

So I borrowed my Mom's sewing machine and took a quick trip to Goodwill (on Thursday, dollar day) and purchased a pillowcase for a dollar.

I forgot to take a before picture, so here it is sideways, you can kind of see that it is a pillowcase. It was really easy, even though it took me 4 hours. It should have taken a lot less, but like I said, I haven't touched a sewing machine in a decade.

Here is the finished product. Addy wanted a ribbon, so we just tied one around it and she even wore it to church. I think it turned out pretty good for my first sewing adventure, but just don't look close up at the stitching =)! I think it is pretty cute for something that cost me a dollar and some change. I will definitely be making more of these in the future.

I am now making plans to turn one of my old skirts into a cute little sundress for Addison.  If you have any cool refashioning ideas, let me know. I think I may have to purchase my own sewing machine in the near future. I may just become a refashionista.


  1. That turned out really cute! The pattern was perfect for a dress.

  2. That's awesome. It gives me hope because I stink at sewing, but maybe I could pull something like that off. Very cute!

  3. Thanks Missy, I was really looking for a vintage pillowcase with the scalloped edge, but I found this and thought it would make a cute dress.

    Mary you can totally do it. I was easy and a fun experience.

  4. HEY GOOD JOB! I've seen this tutorial and it looks like it turned out super cute! You'll have to show me how on a domestic mommy playdate or something.

  5. Amy- I just made my blog private. So I'll need your email address if you want to visit. Sent me a message on facebook.
    Way cute dress too!

  6. How cute! This stuff can become addicting, I know.

  7. Very cute Amy!! Your little Emily is adorable! Hope things are going well for you guys!

