Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kid grown carrots!

So anyways a while back, we decided to plant a garden. We didn't do any research, we just planted everything according to the package. It was such a fun family project and we all planted together. The kids even ended up dumping extra seeds all over, but we really had a good time so it was all good. Needless to say not much started growing, and everything that started growing didn't survive long. Then one day we noticed some little plants growing, we looked it up and found out they were carrots. They weren't where we planted them, but where they had been ever so nicely dumped. So it turns out our kids our better gardeners then we are, at least they got something to grow. We did some research and decided to give it another shot. Who knows, but we hope to have a whole bunch of good looking carrots in a couple months.


  1. Oh there will be carrots.

    Lots of carrots.

    And I will eat them.

    I will eat them on a boat and I will eat them with a goat.

    I will eat them on a plane and I will eat them on a train.

  2. You can't tell from the picture but those carrots are huge! Like 3 feet long. Seriously. Amazing.
