Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Surrounded by Sisters!

In our family girls out number boys 2 to 1. Sometimes you can't help but feel bad for our poor son always surrounded by his three sisters. I can't help but think being around his sisters is rubbing off on him, but for him it might be a good thing. Underneath his sweet boy appearance, he is all boy. This kid throws, climbs, kicks, fights, and all in all is not very gentle. I can't help, but wonder if being in a family of girls softens him just a little. Maybe having lots of sisters will teach him to be a little gentler and prepare him for when he is older and dating girls. Regardless he is stuck with his sisters, so he better get use to it. 

Although, I have to say he is pretty chill about it most the time.
Besides, being the only boy can have it's perks too!

Monday, April 20, 2009

A style that makes you smile!

I usually help my girls pick out their clothes for the next day when putting them to bed. Occasionally this doesn't happen, mostly on the weekends. As seen in the picture above. When it comes to dressing themselves, there are a few things that they haven't quite grasped yet
  1. Brown and Brown don't always match.
  2. Long sleeves don't go well with shorts.
  3. Just because two things have flowers, it doesn't mean they match.
Anyways, so last night we forgot to lay out clothes. This morning I was busy getting Addy ready for school, and when Hannah came out dressed later, this is what I found,

I thought it was so cute, so we decided to go with it. This is totally Hannah. She is totally into her own style. So here she is later after I fixed her hair and she added a few finishing touches to her outfit.

Blessing Baby Emmy

Our sweet Emily Ann on her blessing day. She looked so beautiful on her blessing day. She wore a beautiful dress made by my friend's mom. Her dress even had a beautiful embroidered E. 

We feel so BLESSED to have our beautiful Emmy in our lives. She has brought such a wonderful spirit into our home. I know she is where she is meant to be.

Thanks to all who shared this special day with us, we are grateful for your love and support. Emmy is a lucky girl to have so much love around her. 

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Since my daughter was very young, we have had many people say she looked like Natalie Wood. At the time we had no idea who Natalie Wood was by name, because she was an actor before our time. We soon found out that she was a very famous actress of her time before her early death. She starred in many well know movies, such as Miracle on 34th street and West Side Story. So we looked up pictures of her and were shocked to see that she did resemble her. Then one day I was looking through pictures of Natalie Wood's early years, when I stumbled upon this particular picture (below) of her and it blew me away. My daughter really is a Natalie Wood look alike, at least in this particular picture. I just had to get a picture of the uncanny resemblance. Anyways, check it out below.
The funny thing is that she loves to watch West Side Story,it is one of her favorites. She loves when we tell her she looks like Maria. Anyways, if this is any indication of what she will look like when she grows up, then she may look something like this

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So I finally decided to join the world of bloggers.  Here is my life since high school graduation in an eggshell.
So now from here I begin my journey as a blogger. I won't blog everyday day and I don't promise to do it every week, but when I have a quiet moment or a need to express myself, my blog will be right here waiting for me!